Emergency Medical Supplies Large Field Trip Fanny Pack for Allergic Reaction EpiPens and Rescue Inhalers is a larger fanny pack for teachers, camp counsels, outdoor hikers and parent at home to have readily available for when an emergency occurs.
Product Features:
- Two separate pockets - more room for stuff!
- As you can see in the photo we fit two inhalers, a chamber and two Epinephrine auto-injectors at once
- Adjustable waist strap
Part# EN9414
Description: Large Field Trip Fanny Pack
Sold In: Each
Max Capacity: Will hold multiple EpiPens or Inhalers. Will even fit inhaler chamber.
Intended Use: Field Trips
Description: Large Field Trip Fanny Pack
Sold In: Each
Max Capacity: Will hold multiple EpiPens or Inhalers. Will even fit inhaler chamber.
Intended Use: Field Trips
Note: This fanny-pack comes empty - Does not contain auto-injectors or inhalers
Ships directly from manufacturer - Allow approximately 14 days business days to ship.
Ships directly from manufacturer - Allow approximately 14 days business days to ship.
#epipen #allergicreaction #fannypack #emergency #allergic